
University Life
Graeme Bloy completed his Honors B. Sc. at the University of Alberta in 1975. After moving to Calgary in 1978, and while working, he completed his M. Sc. in 1979 with a thesis on Geochronology of Uranium Mineralization in the East Arm of Great Slave Lake.
Graeme was also a member of the U of A Swim Team and Water Polo Team.
Graeme studied hard, but played hard too; making many friends along the way.

Oil & Gas
Graeme was an accomplished Geoscientist and Petroleum Geologist. Throughout his career, his contributions to the industry were unparalleled. Graeme can be accredited with his ability to build successful teams and for enabling those around him to make their own discoveries and contributions. Graeme never tried to steal the spotlight – he was a champion of many.
While his passion for geology, climbing mountains and diving reefs, or leading field trips around the world were well known, his support and friendship is what will be remembered most fondly.
Teri McCallum
Tribute to Graeme Bloy
I first worked with Graeme at Chauvco Resources and then again at Canada Capital Energy Corp (CCEC) where we worked together for 4 years. He was the G&G Manager and was the best boss, mentor and manager I ever had.
I loved working with Graeme because he didn’t care if you were female, he cared if you were smart and had critical thinking skills. He would hand me a project and say basically “Figure it out and if you have questions, then come see me”. It was so rewarding to be able to dive into projects and piece together the steps to complete them with his guidance. He was a visionary and we were working on creating a new software product to help Geoscientists’ workflows.
Graeme’s love of geology and passion was looking at the rocks. He didn’t drill a well or evaluate a reservoir without going through the cuttings or analyzing core. He loved sharing his knowledge and helping others to learn and appreciate the information the rocks revealed.
Graeme added so much life and fun into the workplace. He would often walk down the halls saying, “Get to work” and laugh. LOL! He loved to blast rock music from his office and a favourite song that we both loved was 1983’s “Send Me an Angel” by Real Life.
It was so great when Graeme shared pictures of his latest travels. He was an amazing photographer and thrived when he was underwater in his carbonate element! His thousands of photos of fish are unrivaled! One of my bucket list items is to walk the Camino after Graeme shared his stories and photos of being a pilgrim walking the trail.
I am so grateful for knowing Graeme and I miss his intellect, talking with him about all his various interests, his laughter, goofy ways and most of all his loyal friendship.
As noted by Gerry Yamada:
I had the very good fortune of starting my career in O&G with Graeme a very long time ago, We shared many laughs, geologic learning trips, lots of drink and parties with family and friends. Though different jobs came and went, we eventually came to have the same employer. He was friend, supporter, job saviour, boss and a like appreciator of a wee dram. I think of him as always trying to help those around him and a "good' geologist.
For other posts in Graeme’s guest book, view here:

CSPG (Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists)
Graeme was a member of the Canadian Society of Petroleum Geologists, and President of the Society in 2009 and an H. M. Hunter Award recipient in 2011.
Click to view the CSPG Honorary Member Article
Click to view the Presidents Report 2009
His 3 year Executive term centered around his 2009 Presidential year, where he focused on reorganizing the office and conferences, and growing the Educational Trust Fund.
The H. M. Hunter Award is given to a CSPG member who has provided long-term service to the society in a variety of capacities.
Click to view the H. M. Hunter Award
Graeme led many field trips for the society throughout the years and wrote many articles in the field of geoscience. These are just a few:
July of 2009, Erin Linley organized a field trip to Kananaskis for 39 students. The trip was lead by Graeme Bloy and Rob McDonald. View page 23 of the report.
AAPG: ABSTRACT: The Slave Point Formation Exploration Play in the Hamburg-Cranberry Area of Northern Alberta. View the report.
AAPG Explorer: Canada Feels Demographic Crunch: View the report.
Additional publications by Graeme Bloy can be found on the OCLC World Cat website.